Catechin is a kind of flavanoid that is found in green tea, chocolates and wines. The number of benefits is attributed to catechins. It is said that they can reduce the weight, improves cardiovascular health and reduce the chances of cancer. One type of catechin present in the green tea is very effective for weight loss.
Catechin reduces the body weight by increasing the energy used by our body and also making it easy for human body to use the stored fat. The regular use of green tea helps in reducing fat from abdominal area. The study has not confirmed the weight loss properties of catechin present in food items. The person has to take only the freshly made green tea than decaffeinated or pre made tea. The instant tea also does not provide that same weight loss benefit.
The daily drinking of green tea will ensure that person is getting doses needed for weight loss. One cup of green tea Catechin Supplier & Manufacturer in India with catechin has at least 25 to 30 mg of catechin in it. A person has to drink 3 to 4 cups of double brewed green tea to get noticeable results in weight reduction. The doses or quantity of tea differs from person to person. To be on the safe side, the person can start from the lower does and increase the does gradually. The person taking green tea also has to remember that the amount of caffeine in the green tea can cause side effects such as dizziness or nausea. The person has to limit the green tea use if any of such symptoms start appearing. Also if a person is taking some medicines, then the consumption of green tea has to be limited. The anticoagulant, warfarin, may not work, if a person is taking large amount of green tea with catechin extracts.
The use of supplements containing catechn should also be done only after consultation with a qualified doctor. The use of catechin without understanding its uses and doses can product several side effects in the person. The best way for the person is to seek the counsel of a doctor before going for weight loss program with consumption green tea with catechin.
Catechin is also Catechin Spray Drying Powder Supplier & Manufacturer in India present in large number of herbal dietary supplements. The consumption of these supplements should be done after consultations with medical doctor. The amount of catechin in the herbal dietary supplements can be harmful to certain individuals.
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